
07.03.2023 18:52


To Longhair breeds

The medium to large sized cat has a short and cobby body. Chest, shoulders and back are massive and muscular. 
Legs are short and sturdy, paws are large and round. Tufts between the toes are desired.
The tail is short and thick, ending in a rounded tip. Furnishing is dense and long (bushy).
The neck is short and strong.

Head The head is round and massive, well proportioned, with full cheeks and a domed forehead.
The nose is short and broad, with a well defined, palpable stop. The upper edge of the nose leather is not higher than the lower eye lid. Chin and jaws are broad, massive and strong. 
The face is open and expressive.
Ears The ears are very small and rounded, set low and wide apart on the skull. Dense furnishings inside the ears cause the slightly slanted base of the ears to appear not unduly open.
Eyes The eyes are large, round and open, set wide apart, brilliant and expressive. 
Eye colour corresponds with the coat colour.

The coat is long and dense; with a fine, silky texture. It is soft, but not woolly. The full, long frill covers the shoulders and the chest.

Colour varieties

All colours are recognized. The description of colours is listed in the general list of colours.

The colour variety with Siamese points is the Colourpoint.
All colours without white are recognized. The description of colours is listed in the general list of pointed colours. 
The eye colour of the Colourpoint is an intense blue, the darker the better.

  • too flat or too high skull
  • weaping eyes
  • difficulties in breathing
  • too fine or elongated body


are severe faults.


  • greasy coat, too much powder or a shaggy coat.
  • knots or bald spots due to the removal of hair knots


are the most common faults in grooming.

  • Colourpoints with white spots or white toes are to be disqualified,
  • also any other eye colour than blue.
Scale of points
Body 20 points
Head 30 points
Colour of the eyes 15 points
Coat, texture, length and colour 30 points
Condition 5 points