Egyptian Mau

01.02.2017 17:00

Egyptian Mau


To Shorthair breeds

The body is slightly elongated, medium sized and muscular, yet slender and elegant. 
There is a loose skin flap from the flank to the hind knee. The legs are of medium length, 
the paws are dainty and slightly round. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs. 
The tail is of medium length, medium broad at the base and slightly tapering.


The head is a moderate wedge with gently rounded contours, without flat planes. The cheeks 
are not full. In profile there is a slight rise from the bridge of the nose to the forehead, which 
continues without a break into the arched neck. The nose is evenly broad from the base to

the nose leather. The muzzle is medium long, not pointed. Chin and lower jaw are firm.


The ears are medium sized to large and upright. They are broad at the base, moderately pointed and 
set well apart. The tips may have lynx tufts.

Eyes The eyes are large and almond-shaped. They are set at a slight angle. 
The colour is a light gooseberry-green.
Coat The coat is medium short, dense, supple and close lying to the body. 
The texture is resilient in the colours silver and bronze, fine and silky in the colour smoke.
Colour varieties

The colours bronze, silver and smoke are recognized.


The pattern is a highly contrasted, clearly spotted, in the colour varieties bronze and silver with ticking. 
The spots are elongated along the spine and melt into a stripe at the haunches and continue to the tail tip. 
The spots may be broken stripes on the legs. There are one or more necklaces, which are broken in the centre.


Base colour


Rims of eyes and 
nose leather

Nose leather

Paw pads 

dark to light bronze, almost golden; the belly and the neck are ivory

dark brown to seal




seal or dark brown


Base colour


Rims of eyes and

nose leather

Nose leather

Paw pads 

pure silvery white








Base colour


Nose leather

Paw pads

smoke with tin coloured roots; the belly and the neck are lighter




Scale of points
Body 25 points
Head 20 points
Eyes 10 points
Coat texture 10 points
Coat colour and pattern 30 points
Condition 5 points