Rules for Stewards – Pupil Judges - Judges
Issue: 2017-04-01
show_rules_en CBA.DOCX (153529)
Table of contents
Licensing procedure........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Rules for the activity as steward as precondition for the admission to the judge’s examination
1. The applicant will have completed ten assignments as a steward at national or international shows at home and abroad over a period of at least two years. .The pupil steward should have a valid tetanus vaccination. The activity as steward will be certified by means of steward certificates, which contain information on the cat breeds, which have been carried and handled each time, as well as the aptitude for this job. The certificate will be signed by the judge to whom the candidate was assigned as a steward. Merely carrying notes with numbers is not adequate for issuing a steward’s certificate.
2. During the pupil’s activity as a steward the applicant is to help the judge in accordance with the following rules: He or she has to wear a coat and has to take care of a careful disinfection of the table of the judge, the cages, coat, and hands.
The pupil must be able to take the cat correctly out of the cage.
The pupil is not allowed to leave the judge before the end of the judging and has to be available for the Best in Show.
The pupil is not allowed to give any comment, whether it is his opinion of the carried cat nor it’s identity.
The pupil is not allowed to inform the exhibitors of the results of the judgment, except in case the judge allows it expressly and/or help with translation is required.
The pupil must inform the Head Steward if a cat is absent.
The pupil is never allowed to present his own cat to the judge. In this case a substitute handler has to be appointed as steward by the organizer.
3. The steward has to be at least 16 years old at the beginning of his or her activities.
Preconditions for the activity as Pupil Judge.
1. Experience in Breeding
The applicant must have had experience in cat breeding for at least 2 years at the time of the beginning of his or her activity as a pupil judge .The commencement of the period of experience begins from the date of registering one’s own cattery or registration in a club as a member.
2. Officially recognised Languages.
The official languages for writing judge’s reports, for the training seminars and international conferences are English. The mother language for national category shows and English for international shows. .
For international category shows an applicant must have knowledge of at least one of the other languages, besides his capability of his native language, including spelling, grammar and punctuation.
3. Membership in a CBA-club
At the beginning of his or her activity as a pupil judge the applicant must have been a member of a CBA-club or club which has a agreement on cooperation with the CBA ,for at least 2 years without interruption.
4. Application for admission to the activity as Pupil Judge.
To be admitted for training the candidate has to write an application in a free form to the club whereof he or she is a member. Certificates detailing his or her experience as a steward, breeding experience, and his or her membership in a CBA affiliated club must be enclosed.
The hair type category, for which the judge’s qualification to requested has also to be indicated. The training takes place only en bloc for every complete hair category, where the applicant can choose between
- Longhair(LH)
- Semi-longhair(SLH)
- Shorthair(SH)+Hairless(HH)
- Siamese/Oriental Shorthair(SOSH)
Simultaneous training in two hair type categories is possible, however only in the combinations Longhair with Semi-Longhair and Shorthair with Siamese/OSH and Hairless .
The decision on the application has to be sent to the applicant by the club at least 4 weeks after receipt. If the application is rejected, valid reasons have to be given. In this case the applicant must have the opportunity to repeat the application to be admitted to the training.
5. Preliminary Examination
The applicant is admitted automatically to the preliminary examination for the career as a judge when a positive decision on the made by the club.
The preliminary examination is theoretical and contains 25 questions, the answers to which have to be written in the same questionnaire. 10 are of general nature and 15 refer to the chosen hair category.
The selection of the questions for applicants for two hair categories contains also 10 questions of general nature as well as 15 questions to each hair category chosen.
The preliminary examination is held by the responsible body of the club whereof the applicant is a member.
The preliminary examination lasts at most 60 (one hair category) or 90 (two hair categories) minutes. The examinee must have a separate place which he is not allowed to leave for the duration of the exam.
The preliminary examination is to be regarded as passed if the examinee has answered at least 75 % of the questions correctly. The result of the theoretical exam has to be presented in writing, it has to be announced to the examinee on the same day and to the Extended Committee of the CBA within 4 weeks.
The successfully passed preliminary examination entitles the applicant to start his activity as a judge’s pupil. If the preliminary examination had not been passed, a repetition for the relevant hair category is possible once.
The official catalogue of questions for the preliminary examination , produced and published by the CBA, will be given to the applicant by his club on a written request that he has enough time for preparation.
If candidate want to take exam on nationality category but Extended Board does not have exam’s questions in
the mother language of candidate , so candidate must to do translation by his self and provide it to the club where
exam will be carried out.
Activity as a pupil judge
1. Certificates for Pupil Judges.
The applicant has to provide the following certificates for pupil judge:
Category Longhair at least 20 certificates only for this category Category Semi-longhair at least 30 certificates only for this category Category Shorthair at least 30 certificates only for this category Category Siamese/OSH at least 15 certificates only for this category
For the better understanding of the Oriental Semi-Longhair (Balinese, Javanese and Mandarin) the Semi- Longhair training requires the acquisition of at least one judge’s pupil certificate in the category Siamese/OSH and for the better understanding of the Somali, Tiffany and Cymric the acquisition of at least one certificate in the category Shorthair.
For the better understanding of the Exotic Shorthair the Shorthair training requires the acquisition of at least one judge’s pupil certificate in the category Longhair.
The Longhair training requires the acquisition of at least one pupil judge’s certificate, in which the Exotic is listed.
For each hair category two foreign assignments as a judge’s pupil must be carried out.
If a judge is processing his All Breed education in a country which is divided in regions, he must acquire obligatory a judging pupil’s certificate from another continent.
For each activity of the applicant as a judge’s pupil the training judge issues a certificate which comprises the following:
Information on all breeds and colors which the pupil judge got acquainted with during the judging.
Information on skills, behaviour and general demeanour of the pupil judge.
The certificate is only valid with the signature of the training judge as well as the stamp and signature of the club which organized the show. The certificate will be handed over to the pupil judge.
Every pupil judge must have received at least one certificate from a member of the Extended Board or a member of the Board. This certificate is to be obtained for the first CBA examination and is included into the required number of certificates.
The applicant is allowed to exhibit his own cats only out of competition at the shows where he takes part as a pupil judge .This is applicable also to cats living in his household.
Applications for participation as a pupil judge at a show have to be addressed by the applicant to the organizing club at the latest 4 weeks before the beginning of the show.
The organizing club is allowed to assign a pupil only to judges licensed by CBA in the relevant hair category. Exceptions must be permitted by the Chairperson of the Extended Board.
Members of CBA clubs can act as judge’s pupils at CBA exhibitions free of charge.
2. Participation in pupil judge’s seminars
Acquisition of up to 6 pupil judge’s certificates for each hair category is also possible through the participation in special pupil judge’s seminars, which are held by the CBA or clubs which has a cooperation agreement with CBA , for training purposes.
A 1-day seminar is valid for 2 pupil judge’s certificates, a 2-days seminar for 4 certificates, 3-days seminar for 6 certificates.
Lectors should be a judges from different associations or clubs but they must to have special education , according to the terms of seminar, like biological ,veterinary or zoo technical and e.t..
Seminars can be with one judge on-line and other must to attend on the seminar. The one day of seminar can be with
one lector but he(she) must to be alive on the seminar.
Cost for seminar license is 30 euro for 1 day .The payment has to be in the account of the CBA at the latest one week
be for examination.
3. Genetics seminar
Participation in a genetics seminar is recommended. For every day of the seminar the judge’s pupil will get 1 judge’s pupilcertificate.
4. Period of training
The period of training of a pupil judge must not exceed 4 years from the day of the successfully passed preliminary examination.
If this happens, a preliminary examination has to be taken once more again. After a successfully passed repetition the applicant has the obligation to apply for the judge’s examination within 6 months. During this time the applicant is obliged to proof the acquisition of 2 further judge’s pupil certificates from exhibitions or training seminars.
If the period given expires, the applicant will be irrevocably withdrawn.
5. Application to take the Judge’s examination
The applicant has to send the admission for the examination to the club whereof he is a member. The informal application has to include all documents of his activities as a judge’s pupil, the indication of the hair category for which the qualification should be acquired, date and place of the exhibition where the examination should take place and the names of the examining judges.
The application has to be forwarded by the club to the CBA office within two weeks after the receipt for the purpose of its approval.
6. Admission to the Examination
The CBA Extended Board is obliged to admit the applicant to the examination, if the documents he sent do not give any reason for objections and if the applicant has reached the age of 25 on the day of the examination.
The judge’s examination can only be taken for one hair category on one date of an examination. The examinee is not allowed to perform any other official functions at the exhibition on this day.
7. Examination Panel
The examination panel consists of two international judges, of which at least one must be CBA judge and other can be from different systems . Both judges must have been active as an judges since at least 3 years.
If one of the judges chosen by the candidate rejects to give the exam, the candidate may choose one of the other judges present at the exhibition, provided that he possesses the necessary qualifications for the exam. If no one of the present judges matches the requirements, the examination has to be postponed. The examination panel alone is entitled to award the title “judge”.
8. Course of the Examination
The judge’s examination can only take place during an international exhibition. At least 35 cats of the examined category for Semi-longhair and Shorthair, and at least 20 cats of the examined category for Longhair and Siamese/OSH must be registered, and the total number of the present cats must not be less than 50.
The candidate can choose one language only, which has to be stated in the application.
Judges must to have in their own license the language which candidate chosen.
The exam can start from any category (national or international).At any time a candidate may upgrade his category to
an international one by providing to Extended Board a certificate of language with level in General English B2
9. The theoretical examination
The theoretical examination consists of 40 questions of the official question catalogue to be answered in writing, of which 15 will be chosen from the general part and 25 refer to the examined hair category. Of the 25 questions of the relevant hair category 15 have to be chosen with short answers and 10 with long answers.
The theoretical examination lasts at most 105 minutes and starts – except when technical difficulties prevent this
– at the latest at 8.30 a.m. on the first day of the exhibition. The examinee should have a separate place which
he is not allowed to leave for the duration of the exam.
The theoretical examination is to be regarded as passed if the examinee answered at least 80 % of the
questions correctly. The result of the theoretical examination has to be written down and has to be
announced to the examinee at least until 11.00 a.m. of the same day.
If the necessary percentage of correct answers in the theoretical examination is not reached, the entire examination is regarded as not passed. A repetition of the theoretical examination on another date is possible once.
The «official catalogue of questions for the theoretical judge’s examination», produced and published by the CBA, will be sent to the applicant by his club on a written request that he has enough time for preparation.
10. The practical examination
The practical examination consists of judging of al least:
• 20 cats for Longhair (including 1-5 Exotic Shorthair)
• 20 cats for Siamese/OSH
• at least 30 and at most 35 cats for the category Semi-longhair
• at least 30 and at most 35 cats for the category Shorthair,
• 10 cats for Hairless category
which can be distributed by the organizing club in case of two one-day-shows on both days of the exhibition. The practical examination includes the selection of Best of Breed winners and proposals for the Best in Show.
The practical examination starts – except if technical difficulties prevent this - at the latest at 11.00 a.m. of the first day of the exhibition and has to be finished before the beginning of the voting for Best in Show (if necessary on the second day of the exhibition).
The practical examination is to be regarded as passed if at least 80 % of the required points have been reached. The result of examination has to be presented in writing and has to be announced by the examining judges to the examinee on the last day of the examination, at the latest by 16.00 p.m., and to the Judge’s Committee within 4 weeks.
If the necessary percentage of points is not reached, the practical part of the examination can be repeated once at the occasion of another exhibition.
During the whole duration of the practical examination the organizing club has to provide 2 stewards for the examinee, if possible, as well as regular judging conditions (working place, light, cages, etc.).
The examinee must be informed of the class, color and sex of the cats which he has to judge. It is forbidden to change these details in anyway .The examine is not responsible for mistakes in these details.
If the applicant has passed the judge’s examination in all parts, he is considered to be an “International judge” and receives a CBA judge’s diploma, which has to be signed by the president CBA.
11. Examination Fee
The candidate has to pay a one-off examination fee of 200 Euro at the time of the application for the admission to the judge’s examination. The payment has to be in the account of the CBA at the latest one week before the beginning of the examination.
Rights and duties of the CBA judge
1. The CBA judge cannot be obliged to give a certificate (title), neither by the organizing club nor by other persons.
2. A CBA judge is not obliged to accept a judge’s pupil at an exhibition, but he should give sound reasons for the rejection. However, the assignment of more than one judge’s pupil should be rejected.
3. A CBA judge is only allowed to vote in the Best in Show for the cats of the categories for which he is licensed.
4. A judge may show his own cats or that live with him in one house only out of competition.
5. In the case of changing the club-membership CBA-Judges and judging pupils are obliged to inform the Extended Board within 4 weeks.
Judges Permission procedure
CBA judges
1. The judge’s permission is valid for 3 years. The first issue is free of charge, as it is included in the examination fee. For an extension a fee of 30 Euro is charged currently. In case of a late application for the extension of the permission the fee is 50 Euro. The owner of the judge’s permission is obliged to watch the expiration date by himself. A proof of payment, a new passport photo and the expired judge’s permission have to be attached to the application for extension. CBA judges are obliged to have the application for extension stamped by their club and to present the documents as in case of a first application.
2. The owner of the judge’s permission will be displayed at the website of the CBA with complete address, tel./fax number, e-mail address, hair category and period of validity of the license. After expiration he will be shown for 2 months at most with the note “expired”. If there is no application for extension by that time, the address will be deleted.
3. CBA judges get a refund at the exhibitions for the costs for hotel, catering and travel as well as normally a present at the discretion of the club. The job as a judge at exhibitions is refunded with 75,00 euros for each day of the exhibition, with the option of a special agreement with the judge. Judge has a right to take further charges 2 euro if there is more than 45 cats in his (her) judgment. Violations of these rules will be reported by the organizations to the CBA and the judge in question will be suspended. The inviting clubs are obliged to refund the costs of the officiating judges before the Best in Show on the first day of the exhibition, at the latest before the Best in Show on the second day.
Examination regulations for CBA judges
To following to regulation apply:
An examination after CBA regulations can only be held for a judge’s pupil if there is a written confirmation of the Extended Board. The latter presumes a correct application for the examination, including the date of the examination and the names of the examining judges. The application is forwarded to the office of the CBA.
Judges with CBA examinations give examinations only according to CBA rules. Exceptions are possible only by permission of the office of CBA.
Judges with CBA examinations give examinations only for judge’s pupils who are full members of a CBA club on the date of the examination or club which has a agreement cooperation with CBA.
CBA judges (judges having the CBA examination and/or permitted judges) judge at CBA exhibitions exclusively according to CBA standard.
Permitted judges keep absolute loyalty to the CBA.
Permitted judges give examinations in CBA clubs only for CBA judge’s pupils and only according to CBA rules. The membership of the candidate in a CBA club has to be certified by the office of CBA.
Examination certificates, with all required documents attached, will be sent to the CBA office in order to confirm the regularity of the examination. The office issues the certificate and the CBA license provided that the judge’s pupil is a member of a CBA club and the examination has taken place according to CBA rules.
Any violation of these regulations, which have been passed in order to improve the reputation of our judges compared to other independent judges, will result in disciplinary proceedings according to the statutes of the CBA.
Check before giving an examination if the requirements have been complied with. If not, you must refuse to give the examination.
We ask for your attention. The Judges permission procedure of the CBA has been published, and we presume that you know all the decisions.
Additional qualifications for judges
1. If a trained judge applies for an additional hair category, he has to work as a pupil judge at international exhibitions before he can take a further examination. Between the examinations in the hair categories LH/SLH, on the one hand, and SH/SOSH, on the other hand, a waiting period of at least 24 months is required.
2. If a judge takes an examination for an additional hair category, he is not allowed to officiate at the same time as a judge or to perform other activities at the same exhibition. This is also valid for two one-day- exhibitions.
3. For an additional qualification (i.e. an examination for a further hair category) a period of training of no more than four years is valid as well.
4. In further CBA-examinations the 15 general questions are not applicable. In such cases the theoretical examination consists of 25 questions of the examined hair category. The time at the disposal of the examinee is 75minutes.
5. For the number of pupil judge’s certificates for the additional qualification of an international judge the following is valid:
Longhair (LH) 15 certificates only for this category
Semi-longhair (SLH) 20 certificates only for this category
Shorthair (SH , HH included) 20 certificates only for this category
Siamese/OSH 10 certificates only for this category
That means, regardless the previous qualification of the judge, the a fore mentioned pupil judges certificates have to be presented.
6. Special regulation for Longhair judges
Longhair judges are allowed to judge Exotic Shorthair cats at exhibitions without a special additional qualification, provided that this is requested by the organizing club.