Makale arşivi

Teknik terim sözlüğü

28.03.2017 19:34
Glossary of technical...

Kedinin parçaları

28.03.2017 19:34


28.03.2017 19:24
Peterbald   To hairless group Body The medium sized, elegant cat is slender and muscular. The body is elongated and lithe. The rib cage and shoulders are not wider than the hips. The legs are long and slender,  the front legs are straight and...


28.03.2017 19:22
Sphinx   To Hairless breeds Body The medium-sized cat is muscular, rounded and robust. It has a relatively fine bone structure.  The rib cage is broad and massive, the abdomen rounded. The legs are also of fine built, but  muscular and...

Don Sphynx

28.03.2017 19:20
Don Sphinx To Hairless breeds Body The medium sized cat is solid and muscular. The body is of medium length  with a straight back. The rump is wider than the shoulders.  The legs are of medium length and muscular. The paws are slightly...

Selkirk Rex Longhair

28.03.2017 19:08
Selkirk Rex Longhair   To longhair breeds Body The medium to large sized cat is muscular and stocky. Chest, shoulders and back are broad and massive.  The legs are of medium length and muscular, the paws are thick and round. The tail is of...

Highland Fold

28.03.2017 19:04
    Highland Fold   To longhair breeds <span calibri","sans-serif";="" times="" new="" roman";="" =""="" "="" style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 15.3333px;">created by  Mrs. Alla...

FİYAT LİSTESİ 2017.03.14

14.03.2017 19:46
FİYAT LİSTESİ 2017.03.14 KEDİ  IRKLARI  DERNEĞİ 1.                  Üye kayıdı ( 1 kişi )           ...


07.03.2017 16:45
THE BEST CAT OF ISTANBUL 04.03.2017 BEST OPPOSIT SEX LH GROOP  003 WANDA ARTE VITA RU-0165-15-0272-BRI-2015-LO b.: 29.01.2015 Father: G.I.CH. Rafael Anirette BRI ay 25 EST CATO 2022-13-BRIay 25 Mother: CH. Dayan Duchess Arte Vita BRL ny 25 RU-0165-15-0180-BRI-2015-LO Breeder: Fedoreeva...


20.02.2017 10:39
Divan başkanlığınca saygı duruşu yaptırıldıktan sonra gündeme geçildi. Divan Başkanı Alla Serimoğlu 19.02.2017 tarih 4 sayılı Yönetim Kurulunun Olağanüstü Genel Kurul Kararına ilişkin gündem maddelerini okuyarak gündem görüşmelerine geçildi.   Madde 1:  Dernek Tüzüğünün 2. maddesinin...
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